Successful track cycling World Cup in New Zealand
Foto: © Michael Deines Promediafoto

The German track cyclists achieved three victories at the second World Cup in Cambridge (NZL):
Kristina Vogel in the Sprint, Joachim Eilers in the Keirin and the Team Sprint, René Enders, Max Niederlag with Joachim Eilers.


And there were more podium places: silver medal for Maximilian Levy in Keirin, in the Sprint Max Niederlag and Maximilian Levy at the places two and three and in the team pursuit with Kersten Thiele, Theo Reinhardt, Leif Lampater und Max Beyer the third place. In the women's Team Sprint, Elis Ligtlee (NED) finished as well on the 3rd place with her partner.


In the nations ranking Germany is at the first position. The third and final World Cup event will be in Hongkong (16.-17.01.2016).
