Christian Kramer wins TransVorarlberg 2014 with new track record
Foto: © TransVorarlberg

It was supposed to be the final test for the IRONMAN World Championship on 11 th of October 2014 for Christian Kramer - and it really was in the end. The crossing of the Hochtannberg pass (1,660 m) with some heavy rain required everything from the participants in the climb and descent. After a 1.2 km swim in Lake Constance, 93 km on the bike from Bregenz to Lech and finally a 12 km run in Lech, Kramer remained under 4 h (03:59:39 h) and set up a new course record.

Herewith he repeated his victory of the previous year and left his competitors far behind. Oliver Strankmann was ranked 2 nd with a residue of 04:07 min, Michael Göhner followed on 3 rd rank after 06:43 min. Christian is looking forward now on the upcoming season's highlight in Kona: "the TransVorarlberg is an honest course due to the altitude, therefore I am so pleased that I was even faster than last year. Rehearsal for Kona succeeded in doing so, I am positive and look forward to fighting for a ranking under in the top ten”.