Victory for Tine Holst at the 25.Bonn Triathlon

1,300 athletes participated in this year's anniversary of the Bonn Triathlon. After the spectacular start of the ferry, it was 3.8 km to swim. Tine Holst came out of the water as the fourth fastest woman and then she made in her favorite discipline cycling, she had a straight drive (60 km/1:37:55 h).  After 5 km, she took the leading position.  This powerful effort ensured her thebest bike split of the day.

On the run course she had to contend hard with her persecutor Verena Walter, it was a nip-and-tuck race. With her race time of 3:11:10 hours overall and the lead of 5 seconds, Tine Holst was able to win the race after a strong final sprint.


