3rd place for Ricarda Lisk at the Ironman 70.3 Los Cabos
Foto: © FinisherPix

At the Ironman 70.3 Los Cabos (Mexico) Ricarda Lisk finished for the first time ever in a podium position at a 70.3 Ironman.  After an impressive competition she competed in 4:36:34 h and with a third place behind the winner Magali Tisseyere (4:24:28h, CAN) and Carrie Lester (4:31:45h, AUS).

Already while swimming Ricarda placed the foundation for the later result. Despite the high pace she was able to establish from the beginning at the top, and finally she left the water in the Bay of Palmilla after 28:49 minutes in the first group.


The strong cyclists exercised from the first moment pressure on their rivals, but Ricarda tried to find her own rhythm and to keep the distance to the leader as low as possible. Ricarda has established herself in the top 5 during the entire 90 km through the region Los Cabos and reached the second transition area finally after 2:37:20h in the fourth position.


During the final half-marathon Ricarda oriented only forward. After 1.5 km, she had already passed Melanie McQuaid (CAN) in the position before her and stabilized from this situation her podium position. The temperatures were high and many athletes had to pay tribute to the heat, but Ricarda could cope well with the hot weather conditions at the running part. She ran the second-fastest half marathon time of 1:27:27h and passed as third the finish line.
